A wound is the place where the Light enters you.
– Rumi
Grief is a lonely experience
Most people don’t like to talk about grief. It makes them feel uncomfortable. However, when we’re grieving, talking about our feelings is exactly what we need to be doing.
We offer a grief recovery program that gently guides you through the grieving process over an 8-week period. Along with up to 12 other grieving people in your group, you will learn about grief, share your sadness with others, have your pain witnessed, say and do the things you need to do for your recovery. Your journey is unique, just like your loss and grief are unique to you. You deserve a program and a facilitator that understands and respects these differences.
If you find yourself stuck in grief, unable to move forward, unable to re-engage in life, and, especially now, if you find yourself increasingly isolated and lonely, this program is for you. Simply having the desire to feel better and let go of the intense pain of grief is enough right now for you to reach out and take your first steps toward recovery.
Powerful & Proven Program
This is a powerful and proven program that is genuinely for anyone willing to take the necessary actions to help themselves.
Anyone Grieving Because of a:
- Death
- Divorce
- Pet Loss
- Job Loss
- Loss Of Health
- Coronavirus Grief
- Or Any Other Loss
Begin Your Journey
Although everyone’s experiences with grief are unique, we all begin our journey and recovery at the same place: The very first step. It’s always the hardest step. Think of us as a guide, someone to provide a roadmap and direction to point you in the direction of recovery.
Group Sessions
We shouldn’t grieve alone! Having our grief witnessed is essential for healing. We use the Grief Recovery Method® meeting format of recovery.
Join up to 12 other people who have also lost and who are deeply grieving. Together, we learn about grief and rediscover how to live again.
- 8-Week Program
- 2-Hour Weekly Sessions
- 8-12 People Per Group

New Groups Start Every Month
If you’re wondering if this group and program is right for you and your situation, please reach out today. Your initial consultation is free. If I can’t help, I can at least direct you to other resources that may be better suited for your situation and personal grief recovery.